Dom Ignacio Ascended Master PortalAscended Master Dom Ignacio is here to help us with physical and etheric body healing. Dom Ignacio’s last life was as a priest, better known as St Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit order. There are churches dedicated to him throughout South America and around the world. If he appears in form, he is often in red and seen with a balding head of dark hair. He has a great love for humanity and understands the pains of the physical body, having lived much of his last life in constant pain from a leg injury received in the Battle of Pamplona. Most illnesses manifest in the physical body from the etheric, so he is here to help us with etheric body healing as well.

Dom Ignatio Ascended Master Portrait

Ascended Master Dom Ignacio's portal print (above) was created by him so his energy can flow into this dimension 24/7. The prints and cards of this portal are a must for all healers to have in their healing rooms. Imagine if his portal prints were in doctors’ offices or hospital rooms, his energy flowing out to heal, comfort and help all. Amazing! I call him the Rescue Remedy of the Masters. His portal card is in my first aid box, my bag, my car – you never know when he’s needed. Place the card onto a chakra point or on an area of pain and feel his energy flow into you.


NEXT:  Edward, New Ascended Master