Archangel Gabriel shares

I am currently writing about Archangel Raphael. I was guided to re-read the article on Archangel Gabriel and share more about him here with you.

Before I share from Archangel Gabriel, I want to share feedback I received on the Masters ‘Sending love technique.’ It reiterates just how profound simple actions can be.

“I did the sending love technique this morning and it was truly amazing. After just a few seconds of sending love to one person, I felt so much compassion "towards her", so loving "of her", and so FREE at once. It was clear to me that the ties that used to bind us in negativity no longer are, and I even received love back! It is truly freeing, as the Masters said, and it truly only takes a few minutes. Enlightening! Thank you for bringing this very high wisdom to us.” - Singapore.

Archangel Gabriel, is a Fourth Ray Angel. This is the Ray of harmony through conflict.

As he stood before me, I felt like I was standing in the eye of a storm. There was no sound, just this complete sense of peace. I felt cold and invigorated. Standing before him made me stand straighter. I felt all my energies balance up and align in seconds, though I wasn’t aware until that moment that they weren’t. Standing before him I felt I was stepping into a better version of myself.

In Archangel Gabriels article I write about him bringing into our conversation a group of people and he shows me how very tight everyone is. Their throats are tight, so they can’t express themselves. They can’t speak their truth. Their hearts are tight and closed. They can’t feel. Their minds are rigid and their thinking nearly paralysed. Their muscles are tight. They are closed. All of this contributes to ill health on every level.

Archangel Gabriel said, nothing functions when everyone is in their own personal lockdown. This is a form of self-protection. This self-lockdown occurs when we are in a state of conflict within ourselves and with others. The personal conflict is a battle many fight daily. This conflict may be caused by how we feel about ourselves, what we think of ourselves, self-judgment, accepting other people’s judgements of us as true, low self-esteem, guilt, doubt and so on. Or it may be the world we live in. Abuse, bullying, war, violence, the list is long.

Then he started to send love to this group before him. I could feel them start to relax. Their muscles relaxed. Their breathing was a little easier. Their thinking became a little less rigid. Their throats eased a little and their hearts seemed to have a smile in them.

Love is the key to lowering everyone’s personal defence mechanisms, everyone’s personal lockdown.

Then Archangel Gabriel showed me the legions of white angels. I saw guardian angels standing with each person and sending love. The Ground Force he called them. Then I see hosts of angels singing to humanity and sending love. I see angels crying when their efforts fail. I see the care and the personal attention each person gets from the angels. There is an angel standing with you as you read this. What a truly wonderful gift the angels give us. In this moment, I have to give thanks to my personal guardian angel for their service.

He explained to me, as we only reach our own state of peace and harmony and our personal eye of the storm by traversing the conflict that resides within ourselves. When we win the battle within, then we enter that cool, invigorating place of inner peace.

Keep sending that love to those you are in conflict with so you may start to move into that better version of yourself and move along the path to finding inner peace.


This week I am suggesting Kuan Yin’s oil “Inner Peace”. From personal experience, this oil helped immensely with experiencing Inner Peace. This is an oil that creates change, so it will help you along the path towards inner peace.