Etheric Body Healing - Ascended Masters -distant
To order this session you must have had the astral body, mental body, and emotional body session previously within the last 12 months. These bodies need to be clear for this session to occur.
This is a 60 minute healing session in which Ascended Masters Lady Nada, El Morya, Mary Magdalene and St. John the Baptist step forward to repair your etheric body. When illness or disease manifests in the physical body, it is usually a manifestation of what is occurring in the other bodies. When someone has a physical illness or disease, the etheric body is pitted. The physical manifestation of illness occurs as a result of the pitted etheric body. The pitting in the etheric occurs because of what is happening in the emotional, mental and astral bodies.
This distant healing session occurs in the high vibration of the Ascended Masters' portal and are about 60 minutes long. This healing will be initiated in the Ascended Masters' portal by either Verna Maruata or Waireti.
We suggest you have this session with others in the following order: Astral Body clearing, then a Mental Body clearing, followed by an Emotional Body clearing, and finally the Etheric body healing. You will only need an Etheric body healing if your etheric body is pitted or if you are physically ill.
After your purchase of this service, send a full length recent photo of yourself using our Contact page. We ask for recent photos facing the camera with space above the head and below the feet.