September 2022

I feel it is time to start doing the Diaries again. I started these diaries at the inception of the Ascended Masters portal when I was at the fourth initiation and now 12 years later, I have passed the 9th initiation. The wealth of experience and knowledge continues to grow in the area of ascension.
Ego has been a topic I have talked about many times over the years, and still the Masters can bring in a new perspective. A few weeks ago, they said “ Anger is ego.” Oh yes, when we don’t get our own way, when our ego is hurt or bruised, anger can erupt. Ego is often the cause of many emotions we feel. From the hurt and humiliation through to pride and self-satisfaction. I see Ego as the motivator behind many thought processes and actions. Ego keeps us making karma and keeps us stuck. As El Morya says, “it is only in letting go, is liberation obtained.” And one of the things we need to let go of is our ego, for it is our greatest limitation.
Humility is the opposite of ego. When things happen to us, humility ensures we stay calm and balanced and observe the event without connection. We can see things are ‘happening for us, not to us.’ We can observe, and then accept the events and outcome. Humility can bring tranquillity.
But in saying that, none of us is perfect. Ego does not leave. While in a body, we all have our human nature and ego is part of that. But we can work to be less ego based. We can observe ourselves and when ego emerges, we can let it go (again) and continue on.
Since my last post, the Masters have given us another oil. Anxiety oil. Anxiety is becoming a new ascension symptom, especially for empaths, those with heightened sensitivity and clairsentients. The anxiety never has a foundation in anything tangible. The anxiety just exists. This oil has been a life saver for me, and others are confirming they love it as well.
My monthly newsletter is coming out soon. In it I share some ways the Masters can help in our lives. All you have to do is ask the Masters and they will help if they can. Though they are bound by karma, and they won’t help you feed your ego, so the list here will help give you an idea of when to call on them. Some of you might feel comfortable connecting to them through something more tangible. The Ascended Master portals cards are mini portals of the Masters coming into our world. Hold a card or place it on a chakra and the Master is present and working with you.
Dom Ignacio – is the Master for physical body healing – call on him for all your aches and pains. Place the portal card on areas of pain. Dom Ignacio understands physical pain having spent much of his final life in extreme constant pain.
Kuthumi – is a wonderful Master for animal healing – I have a portal print of Kuthumi over where my dogs sleep. So, his energy flows down to them. Both have allergies, so every little bit of energy helps.
Jesus – Jesus is one of those Masters we call on for nearly everything. You can ask him things like “where are my car keys?” To “can you give support to X, just so I know they will be looked after”. If you are unsure of what something means you can ask him to drop the understanding into your awareness. He is a Master teacher.
St John the Baptist – Meditation and balance. If you need help meditating, then St John is the one to call on. His Meditation oil is quite brilliant. I call on him for emotional balance. There are times our emotions rise to the surface and can become overwhelming. He will help with balance.
El Morya – focus is his forte. If you have a work deadline, if you have a report due, or studying for exams. Then you need El Morya asap. He helps bring the mind into balance, so we can focus. And he helps to accept distractions can be put aside for the time being.
Mary Magdalene – Mary Magdalene is a good one to work with for bullying, the environment and fidelity. She is one of those Masters who feels like a friend.
Lady Nada – is a gentle and compassionate Master. She works with babies and children. She is one to call on for infertility issues. Lady Nada works with the inner child and the wounded inner child.
Lao Tze – is the Master of pure Joy. He giggles and laughs. He manifests the infection of laughter. Lao Tze is also a Master of wisdom. “Wisdom originates in the heart, not the mind. ”
St Germain – is the Master of change. Change is a constant in life, whether it is within ourselves or in our environment. If you need help with the transition, call on St Germain. He has a touch of whimsy and can lighten any serious moment. So, when things are tense, call on St Germain.
Paul the Venetian – is a Master of creativity. If you need help with any form of creativity, call on Paul the Venetian to help you.
Mother Mary – she is the gentlest of Masters. Her kindness and compassion are evident in her energy. She is a Master of love, the Mothers love. If you want a dose of love, put Mother Mary’s portal card on your heart chakra and she will send it to you.